Rates & Insurance


My fee is $120.00 for a 50-minute session. Of course, if we arrange for a longer session that amount increases.


There are very few insurance companies with whom I work.

What’s wrong with accepting my insurance?

Therapists differ on if and how many insurance companies to work with. My own reasons for not accepting insurance have to do with the amount of paperwork and oversite by the insurance companies. I have chosen to keep my practice more intimate, which means I honestly do not have the time to process all the forms needed for submitting your information to the insurance companies.

To be honest, I would rather not pin a label on you just to get paid. Sometimes problems don’t fit neatly into a single diagnosis. My goal for you in therapy is for you to define yourself, so I don’t want to force another label on you.

More importantly, your confidentiality and privacy are compromised whenever your mental health information is submitted to an insurance company. Insurance also needs a diagnosis to authorize your session and payment.

There are many excellent therapists who accept your health insurance. If you wish to utilize your insurance, I would suggest giving them a call to get a referral in your area.


My primary means of payment is cash or credit card.

Cancellation Policy

I set up appointments to accommodate your schedule. I understand that things happen, so sessions sometimes need to be rescheduled or canceled. Let me know as soon as possible if you can’t keep your appointment, and I’ll work with you to find a better time.

If you don’t let me know within 24 hours, it makes it almost impossible to fill your session slot. My policy is to charge for a full session rate if your spot can’t be filled before your scheduled time.

Any Other Questions

Please contact me for any additional questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you!